Laughing and Flying: The Element of Air in My Lucid Dreams

I'm sitting here staring out at the San Francisco fog, thick and white and spilling over Twin Peaks. The fog appears to be an avalanche of air, massive enough to swallow up a jet plane and yet, too ephemeral for the weight of a sparrow. The element of air is all around and inside of me, during waking and sleeping, while meditating, day and night, I am breathing IN the air. During most lucid dreams, I am flying THROUGH it. My conscious mind cannot grasp this omnipresent "nothingness," so, let the unconscious speak:

There is a slight jolt of lucidity. Immediately, I wish to fly... but am only able to float a few inches off the ground. I think about the Higher Power and suddenly a cold, powerful wind billows up under my white blouse and I go soaring at a tremendous speed! I am airborne and it is wonderful. I do a lot of flying, all the time chanting something about the Higher Power. I see a swirling mass of creamy blue light in the distance and am awed by it. I think it must be the Higher Power and attempt to fly in that direction... but am pulled away from it. Then I realize that I must let go of control. At that moment, I am filled with glorious laughter and keep shouting, "Higher Power! Higher Power!" Then, I remember my waking intent to do healing work on my asthmatic condition. I do breathing exercises as I am flying — in and out - copious breaths of cold air. I draw my legs up to my chest and fly in a curled-up position as I shoot rays of red, vibrating energy through my dream body. (2/6/89)

This dream is representative of many I have had in which the element of air, manifesting as flight and laughter (a corollary of breath) carries me into contact with the Divine... if I am willing to let go. As long as I maintain control, Air is there for me to enjoy, but plays a passive role. I can fly and intoxicate myself with breaths of sweet, spring air, but this is only the beginning. I was five years into my lucid dreaming when I learned how to give up control... and that's when Air suddenly blew into action.

I do not know what to do with my lucid state. I feel frustrated and anxious. Than I recall something from Lucid Dreaming... that giving up control is a healthy reaction in a lucid dream. So, I think, "I'll just go where the dream takes me..." Suddenly, I begin floating upward, then rushing backward at a tremendous speed. The sensation is utterly magnificent. I feel delighted and at peace. (8/87)

The act of letting go, or the desire to contact the Higher Power, leads to an acceleration of flight and a glorious feeling of being out of control. Often, the flying is backward, on my back... and I engage in acts of healing or sexual pleasure.

It is an exquisite level of lucidity I feel. I fly and indulge in tactile experiences. The Spring air is so sweet and damp. I desire to see the HigherPower and as has happened before in lucid dreams, my flying is accelerated. I am out of control in a thrilling way that feels safe and wonderful. The Higher Power lakes the form of a woman and gives me great pleasure. She does not want me to look at her and I have the longest healing episode occur on my knee that I've ever experienced. I run and kick and exercise my knee, while pouring this reddish energy through and through it. (6/'91)

Just as flying is letting go of the body, laughing is a letting go of the mind and signals the presence of the Divine. The following is an excerpt from a dream that was incubated for a lucid dreaming group assignment on contacting the Divine:

I remember the Task and I ask the doll, "How do I get in touch with my Higher Self?" She answers, "By mental telepathy," I hear her voice simultaneous with my own voice inside of my head, saying in an amazed tone: "I know, I knows! By not giving in to my lower self"! We both enjoy wonderful, carefree laughter. She flies up to me and together, we pass through the ceiling unharmed.. going higher and higher. Then, the doll is gone and? am alone with a breathtaking Blackness above me. I attempt, without success, to create constellations to adorn the darkness. Then I give out a hearty laugh, realizing it is best to leave things as they are. I swoop merrily up and down and all around and am filled with the utmost peace and an indescribably sweet and melodious music permeates the air. i repeat out loud, "I need help, I need help!" This request grants me utter contentment and the knowledge that I am truly in the hands of the Higher Power. (7/88)

My flying skills are superb. I have no trouble swooping, soaring and staying aloft. Then, I roll up in a ball and spin faster and faster. Suddenly, I am shooting upward like a cannonball, swifter and higher than I’ve ever flown before. The speed is so great that I can feel the crushing effect of the centrifugal force; the sides of my body and face are slightly flattened. I am being propelled through the dark heavens, clusters of stars zooming nearer and nearer. The experience is stunning beyond words. I know that I am no longer in control but being guided. I spy the moon, which is shining brilliantly. I desire to fly there and land but a voice inside myself whispers, "The Moon is ton bright; you are not ready to go there yet." So, I lay onto my back and send energy through my bad knee and throughout my body as I fly. (6/30/93)

Laughing, letting go, trusting, asking for help. I seek to practice these dream-state teachings in the waking realm. Who shall be the messenger between worlds? AIR, of course! Breathing permeates all levels of consciousness while we are alive... and perhaps Wind is the breath of the spirit world.