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Bambi Corso

Author, DreamTracker, Law of Attraction Certified Coach

Bambi’s passion and exploration of dreamwork spans over forty years having journaled over eight thousand of her own dreams. She says that working with her dreams for so many years has given her tremendous insight into every aspect of her life; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Knowing the immense guidance and wisdom available through dreamwork, she has dedicated her life to teaching others to work with and understand their dreams to help bring consciousness and awareness to the ways in which we are informed by the dreamtime to live a more passionate, purposeful and authentic life. She is an avid lover and animals and nature and advocates for their wellbeing, survival and conservancy.

Bambi holds two certifications in Dream Tending, taught by Dr. Stephen Aizenstat of Pacifica Graduate Institute. She serves on the Southern California IASD Regional Committee and has been a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams for twenty years. Bambi was a review editor for The Dream Network Magazine for nine years and is and certified as a Law of Attraction Certified Coach through The Quantum Success Coaching Academy and a Tarotpy Practitioner through the Institute of Dreams and Tarotpy®. She is also a contributing author for the book, 101 Great Ways to Enhance your Career.

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